23 November 2008

Long Time Coming

After several months of saying, "We should have a blog," I decided today would be the day to actually start it. (Hey! Did someone slip some Adderall in my coffee? Thanks!)

With this blog, we hope to keep interested (and interesting) people informed about artistree's various projects, including the search for a permanent space, new classes, special events and art happenings in the area. We'll also post photos and videos of our artists in action.

This will also serve as the gallery for our "Create Here" project. Soon you may find one of the miniature canvases we've strewn about Reston. These canvases come with some cray-pas and instructions to "Create Here". Our hope is that those who come upon these little art kits will create original works on the spot, leave their work for others to enjoy and email us a photo of the finished work. (An artist may even leave a note inviting others to add to the work.) We'll post the photos and try to track where these works end up.

Our first big special event is coming up this Friday! Please come see us in the Reston Town Center holiday parade. Members of all the branches will march along -- some dancing, some skateboarding, one filming -- and all promoting the "Create Here" campaign with their blank canvas t-shirts. Young dancers from the Groundworks Youth Dance Ensemble will be performing at the grandstand area. Maybe you'll even find one of those nifty little canvases, if you look hard enough!

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about us

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Reston, Virginia, United States
We are a creative arts community comprised of professional, recreational and student artists. We are home to the Groundworks Youth Dance Ensembles, the elemenTree Arts Experience and the Seedlings Youth Theatre. Imagination is universal knowledge, and art is its language. Our aim is to build and enhance community through arts experiences for everyone.